Here’s an article explaining what might be causing the error you’re experiencing when calling quoteExactInputSingle in Uniswap QuoterV2.

Error: Ethereum: Error when calling quoteExactInputSingle from Uniswap Quoter

When using Uniswap QuoterV2, one of the methods you can use to get the price of a specific input asset is quoteExactInputSingle. However, if there’s an error during this process, it might manifest as an Ethereum-specific error. Below are some steps to help you debug and resolve any issues with calling quoteExactInputSingle.

1. Check Input Asset Data

Ensure that the input asset data meets the required specifications before passing it to quoteExactInputSingle. You can do this by checking the documentation for Uniswap QuoterV2’s API.

For instance, when using Uniswap V3, the quoteInput method returns an object with a specific set of keys:


input: {

token0: ,

token1: ,



quote: {

token0: ,

token1: ,




In your case, the quoteExactInputSingle method likely requires specific data for token0, input.amount, and amount.

2. Verify Uniswap Quoter API Permissions

Make sure that you have the necessary permissions to call quoteExactInputSingle. This involves verifying that your Ethereum account has sufficient balances on the input assets ( and ) and that you’re using a compatible wallet.

Note: For more information, please refer to the Uniswap API documentation or reach out to their support team directly.

3. Check for API Rate Limitations

Uniswap QuoterV2 has rate limits on certain actions, such as calling quoteExactInputSingle. Ensure that your requests are not exceeding these limits. If you’re experiencing repeated errors due to rate limiting, consider implementing a retry mechanism or waiting for the rate limit to expire.

4. Debugging and Logging

To debug any issues with quoteExactInputSingle, ensure you’re logging any error messages from Uniswap QuoterV2’s API calls. You can do this by adding error handling in your code, such as:

try {

const result = await quoteExactInputSingle(





} catch (error) {

console.error(error); // Log the error message if it's an Ethereum-specific error



Ethereum-specific errors when calling quoteExactInputSingle in Uniswap QuoterV2 can be caused by various factors, such as insufficient input asset data or rate limiting. To resolve these issues, thoroughly check the documentation for Uniswap API, ensure that you have the necessary permissions, verify API rate limits, and implement error logging.

If none of the above steps help you identify and resolve the issue, please provide more details about your code and any error messages you’re seeing in Ethereum’s console or local debugger.

