Here is an article that will help you compile Litecoin on Ubuntu 15.04.

Compiling Litecoin on Ubuntu 15.04

Litecoin is an open source decentralized cryptocurrency project created in 2011 by Charlie Lee. To compile Litecoin on your Ubuntu system, follow these steps:

Step 1. Install the required packages

You need to install additional packages before compiling Litecoin. You can do this using the following commands:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install git curl


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This package provides a command line tool for transferring data using URL forwarding.

Step 2: Clone the Litecoin repository

Create a new directory to store your Litecoin source code, then clone the latest Litecoin repository. You can use the following commands:

mkdir Litecoin source

cd Litecoin-Source

git clone litecoin.git

Note: The URL may vary depending on your network connection.

Step 3. Configure the build system

Create a new file named "makefile.unix" in your Litecoin source directory with the following content:

Litecoin build setup on Ubuntu 15.04


Explanation: The USE_UPNP=0directive tells the build system not to use UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) networks.

Step 4: Compiling Litecoin

Go to the Litecoin source directory:

cd Litecoin-Source

Then compile Litecoin with the following command:

make -f makefile.unix

Explanation: The "-f makefile.unix" option tells Make to use the file "makefile.unix" as a template to build Litecoin. Without this directive, Make will try to find a different Makefile to build Litecoin.

Step 5: Verify the build

Once Litecoin is compiled, you can verify that it compiled correctly with the following command:

sudo make -f makefile.unix check

Explanation: The purpose of the check is to build a Litecoin test suite. If everything is configured correctly, this command should compile and run without errors.


If you encounter problems during compilation, here are some troubleshooting steps.

  • Check your package list: Make sure you have the packages required by Litecoin installed on your system.
  • Check your network settings. Make sure your network settings allow incoming connections.
  • Check your build system configuration: Make sure USE_UPNP=0 is set correctly in your makefile.unix file.


Compiling Litecoin on Ubuntu 15.04 is a relatively simple process using Git, Curl, and Make. By following these steps, you should be able to successfully compile Litecoin. If you encounter any issues while compiling or compiling Litecoin, please refer to the official Litecoin documentation for troubleshooting tips.

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