AI and Blockchain: a global IT security approach

The rapid progress of artificial intelligence (AI) and Blockchain technology has created a new landscape for IT security. While these technologies continue to evolve, they are increasingly applied in various aspects of the world of safety. In this article, we will deepen the benefits and applications of the AI ​​and the blockchain in computer security, as well as the potential risks and challenges associated with their integration.

What is to in computer security?

Artificial intelligence refers to the development of IT systems that can carry out tasks that generally require human intelligence, such as learning, problems resolution, decision -making process and perception. In the context of IT security, artificial intelligence solutions can analyze large quantities of data, identify models and detect anomalies in real time, helping to prevent computer threats.

What is the blockchain in IT security?

Blockchain is a decentralized and distributed accounts technology that allows a safe, transparent and tampering transactions. It is based on the principle of “there are no two people have the same private key”. In the context of IT security, blockchain -based solutions can be used for various purposes such as:

  • Check of digital identity : The identity verification systems based on blockchain can create safe and decentralized digital identities for individuals.

  • Management of the supplied chain : The management chain management systems based on blockchain can trace the origin, movement and property of goods in real time.

  • Intellectual property protection : Blockchain -based platforms can safely preserve and manage intellectual property rights.

The advantages of the AI ​​and the blockchain in IT security

  • Greater efficiency : solutions based on artificial intelligence can automate routine activities, freeing human security professionals to focus on highly value activities such as the response to accidents and the hunt for threats.

  • Improved Security Posture

    : Blockchain -based solutions can provide an additional level of safety, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of digital transactions.


  • Reduced positives : Blockchain -based systems can reduce false positives by providing more accurate and specific information of the context.

Applications of AI and Blockchain in IT security




  • Safe multi -partive calculation (SMPC) : the SMPC solutions powered to allow the safe processing and analysis of data without revealing information on the individual participants.

Challenges and risks of Ai and Blockchain in IT security

  • Quality of data : The quality of the data used for AI and Blockchain solutions can have a significant impact on their effectiveness.


  • Safety vulnerability : AI and Blockchain systems are not immune to the vulnerability of safety, which can be exploited by harmful actors.

  • Interoperability problems : The integration of solutions based on artificial intelligence with the existing computer security infrastructure can be a challenge due to interoperability problems.

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