Solved: Solana Blink Operation Error While signing an individual anchoring program transaction

As a developer, who works to connect a unique flashing operation to their own program for a preliminary sale, you are unlikely to be a stranger to the complexity of Solana programming. Recently, I found a mistake while signing a unique anchor program with the Blink operation. In this article, I go through, which causes the problem and solve step by step.

The error: unexpected error

You will experience the following error when you run the following code:


Error error: Unexpected error

Xe <

This error usually indicates that the transaction signature process has experienced an unexpected problem in the validation phase of the anchor program. The exact reason for this error may be precisely determined without a higher context.

Possible reasons and solutions

There are many potential reasons for this error including:


  • Incorrect enforcement rules : Make sure that the validation rules of the anchoring program are the same as specified in the Solana CLI or Anchor program documentation.

  • Insufficient Validation Input

    Solana: Solved: Solana Blink Action: 'Unexpected Error' While Signing a Custom Anchor Program Transaction

    : Check that all required input values ​​are provided during the transaction signing in accordance with the validation rules.

To solve the problem, try the following steps:

Step 1: Check the Anchor Program Contract Installation

Twice check that the unique anchor program contract is correctly installed with the required code and metadata (for example, id,name ', etc.). Make sure you checked the contract installation function and returns a valid transaction.


Const Deployer = needed ("@Solana/Web3.js").

Const Anchorprogram = Waiting for Deployer.Deployyyourconcontractid ();

Const Deployytransection = Wait for Anchorprogram_Deployytransection ({{

ID: your_contract_id,

Name: "The name of your contract",

// Add other necessary metadata ...


Step 2: Check the Validation Rules

Make sure the validation rules of the anchor program are the same as the data provided in the documentation of the Solana CLI or Anchor program. You can check this by reviewing the contract’s “Validate” feature.


Const Validate = Async (TX, Programid) => {{{

// Effect the input values ​​here ...

if (! tx.amount ||! tx.signedby) {

throw a new error ("Invalid Valid Inputs");



Step 3: Check the transaction’s signature inputs

Make sure all the necessary input values ​​are provided during the transaction signing. You can check this by checking the metadata of the transaction.


CONST TX = Wait for Anchorprogram_signtransection ({{

ID: your_contract_id,

Your program,



// other qualities required ...


If you checked that these steps will solve the problem, you should not find the “unexpected error” message anymore. However, if you continue to experience errors after attempting to repair, please give you more details of the code and the environment for further assistance.


Signing the individual anchor program with the Blink operation can be a challenge. By verifying that the installation of the contracts is correct, it checks the enforcement rules and ensures that all the necessary input values ​​are ensured during the transaction signing, it must be able to solve the problems during the process. If you continue to experience problems, after trying these steps, feel free to visit further guidance or support.

